It is important to remember not to irrigate just because it is your scheduled day. Irrigation systems should only be operated when the lawn begins to show signs of stress, some examples are listed below:
Lingering footprints or mower tracks
Grass blades or leaf blades begin to close lengthwise
The top few inches of soil feel dry
The amount of irrigation varies depending on the time of year, rainfall and soil conditions. Please refer to the Water Wise Irrigation Guide below for guidelines to follow.
Turn your irrigation timer off after rainfall events and let your lawn “tell” you when you need to turn the timer back on.
If a particular zone begins to show signs of stress, only set the irrigation system to irrigate the stressed zone, don’t run the entire system.
Use a hose with an automatic shut off nozzle to water flower beds and dry spots.
Learn to operate your irrigation system properly and check your settings monthly to be sure that it is operating on the proper day and time. Also verify that no “extra” start times are accidentally turned on. Check out the Irrigation Controller page (link to the Hunter page on the Water Wisdom Website) for more information on how to operate your irrigation system properly.
Check rain sensors monthly to ensure that they are not clogged with debris.
Cut your grass at the highest recommended height (4” for St. Augustine or Bahia, 2” for Empire Zoysia).
Mow regularly, cutting no more than 1/3 of the grass length
Keep mower blades sharp. Dull blades tear grass, opening it to disease, and cause grass to appear tan and ragged.

a. Recommended Zone Run Times are based on normal rainfall conditions.
During times of drought, you may need to supplement your irrigation system by hand watering using a hose with an automatic shut off nozzle.
During times of rainfall, you may be able to turn your irrigation system off for an extended period of time.
The Southwest Florida Water Management District may impose additional watering restrictions as part of a water shortage order that must be complied with.